PIL Creative Group | Why Post-Stay Guests Surveys are Essential to Travel Brands?
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The Circle of Travel Communication

On a survey the consumer always knows it is going directly to the travel brand what they liked and what the did not like. The guest almost feels empowered, and it is authentic communicate directly to tell them everything that happened and that hopefully someone is listening and will address any issues. If there are any issues it would be great for the travel brands to take advantage of this 1:1 communication to engage them and amend any issues that could have happened. If the travel brand can proactively engage this guest and resolves anything because the guest can be prone to then make an online review that will be public and therefore also possibly book another hotel stay or cruise and possibly generate motivate potential guest booking via their online reviews. It’s almost like one big circle of online travel reviews. 

So, guest survey’s do have a huge impact on the brand from guest perceptions, to how they can communication with the brand offline and online and therefore make an impact on the brand for future improvements and upgrades… all this by one little survey done right.

Different Ways to Survey

What are the different survey formats and ways to write them for post traveled guests and also to get the most insights? In organizing a survey first thing is know your objective. What will be your research tool? We know it will be an eblast with an incentive hopefully a credit. Who will be your research audience? Past guest that just stay in your hotel or just sailed on your cruise ship. What is the main idea? Get as much customer feedback about the cruise or hotel stay. This feedback you obtain can determine the future of your travel brand in so many ways. 

What are the types of questions to be asked? You can determine different ways to ask these questions, here are different formats to think about:

  • Open ended questions: questions like How was your stay at the travel brands name? How did you feel being at this property or on this cruise?  Do you have any comments about the price, quality of food and service?
  • Categorical: You have a response either dual with two options or multiple options. For example, a dual question would be, “Based on your experience would you recommend us to your family and friends. Yes or No”. A multiple-Choice question can be, “What will be your next destination you would like to travel? Europe, Alaska, Caribbean, Asia, Antarctica”
  • Metric: Guest responds with a number that is appropriate to being measured. For example, please rate the friendliness and courtesy of the staff. From 10 being the best and 1 being the worst. Another is Please rating the cleanliness of your suite. From 10 being the best and 1 being the worst.

Try to start out with an engaging question to get the past guest focused and excited to give feedback. Also try to level the harder and more intense questions towards the end since the guest is already invested in the survey time and is willing to answer even these harder questions. We recommend about 5 to 6 questions but can certainly try and see how 10 would work, maybe do a preliminary trial survey to your employees, and see how the feel to get some feedback.

Guest to Loyal Guests

Since these are new guest have converted to loyal guests in contributing to your survey it best to award them and welcome them to your loyalty programs. Take advantage of this 1:1 communication after the guest has taken the time to send in their responses. Leverage them to make sure all their issues have been taken care of and assure them that their feedback will be reviewed. Give them possible special discount and offered them a special reward if they recommend the brand to family and friends. That is the best form of marketing to give a recommendation.

From pre stay guest to post stay guest, developing and engaging the client with a survey is one of the best ways to not only improve as a brand yet also continue the guest engagement cycle. 

Thank you and Let’s get Creative!



PIL Creative Group
PIL Creative Group | Why Post-Stay Guests Surveys are Essential to Travel Brands?

