The PIL Logo

By: Patsy Linares

Let’s start by clearing up a common confusion: the difference between a brand design firm and an advertising agency. Understanding this distinction will shed light on the process and its components.

What’s the Difference Between a Branding Firm, Advertising Agency, and Marketing/Communications Company?

The distinctions between these entities have blurred over the years. Traditionally, these terms described distinct services, but today, it’s not so simple. When I tell people where I work, or even my parents, I often see confusion. HA! Mention “advertising agency,” and they picture Mad Men scenes with suits, smoke, and chatter. Say “marketing and communications firm,” and their eyes glaze over. “Branding firm” often brings to mind iconic brands and taglines.

Here’s a quick overview:

Branding Firm: This is all about strategy. A branding firm delves into your business like no one’s business in order to develop the story of who you are, what you stand for, and why you matter. Going back to my favorite TED Talk, one of the top five by Simon Sinek, and to quote him:

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.” – Simon Sinek

A branding firm not only sees the bigger picture but also works to develop the brand voice and the importance of unique design, creative, and visual language.

Advertising Agency: Focuses on the tactical side. They take your core messages and create a plan to communicate them.

Marketing and Communications Firm: Often a blend of both branding and advertising, sometimes with public relations included. These are typically full-service.Depending on your needs, you might work with one or a combination of these firms. Understanding their roles will help you set realistic expectations and propel your business forward effectively.

The Core to Starting is Your Brand

Your brand is the “main squeeze” of everything and determines the roadmap to all your touchpoints from social media to e-blasts to your website. For B2B, your LinkedIn page with your personal branding is just as important. It’s what your clients and potential customers think, say, and feel about your company. In today’s world, their opinions impact your bottom line more than ever.

If your audience isn’t engaging or feels negatively about your company, it’s time to consult a branding firm. Major changes like new leadership or an acquisition also call for branding expertise. If you’ve had your logo for 10+ years, it might be time for a refresh. At PIL, being a branding firm, we excel at uncovering the areas that need to raise the bar and telling your company’s story in a way that resonates with modern designs and connects with people, including your internal teams.

How a Branding Firm/Agency Can Make a Difference

Branding firms or agencies focus on your company’s identity, color palette, fonts, and their purpose, which become the foundation for every business decision—from operations to marketing. A reputable firm should conduct a brand audit, not just recommend rebranding everything. It’s essential to review the current logo and brand colors to assess whether it’s worth upgrading or elevating certain elements. This process ensures that everything reviewed is developed in a visually pleasing manner with clear purpose and drive.
When developing a brand audit and presenting creative to clients, firms need to determine the brand message, its mantra, and personality. The presentation should include a comprehensive strategy, competitive review, and a mood board filled with inspiring visuals. At PIL, we constantly review and learn from luxury fashion brands, guiding us towards innovative creative directions. The result is always something crafted and tailored to each client, showcasing how the brand will be developed across all touchpoints—from social media and digital banners to traditional creative solutions.

See below how newly crafted creative is developed. In this article, we will feature this new campaign from Belmont that is very consistent across all different brands. It promotes not just each brand but, with imagery, tells a story through different photographers and how each hotel inspired them.


Don’t Leave Your Personal Brand Far Behind

In the world of B2B, personal branding is crucial. Business leaders need to align their personal brands with their business and other sustainable brands and charitable organizations to give back to their communities. At PIL Creative Group, we specialize in helping leaders create a cohesive and powerful personal brand.

We align business leaders on a singular vision, developing core strategies that guide everything from articles and posts to creative designs, all stemming from the initial brand presentation to ensure sustained success. Many business leaders, especially women, find it challenging to maintain a consistent social media presence due to time constraints. Posting on platforms like LinkedIn often becomes an afterthought.

However, posting as an industry thought leader, in a way that aligns with your branding, is like a golden ticket to great ROI. Consistency in your brand messaging can significantly impact your success.
When choosing a branding firm or agency, it’s essential to understand their processes, experience, and what motivates you to seek their help. At PIL, our well-defined process bridges a company’s past and future, meets customer needs, and engages all levels of the organization—from corporate logos to comprehensive content strategies. Let us show you how we can elevate your personal brand with our innovative tactics.

As luxury brand experts, we transform any brand into a work of art, making it aspirational and meaningful across all levels—from social media to print. Let PIL Creative Group help you tell your story beautifully and effectively.


Refining the graphics, and creating the new tagline, “Your Story Begins Here,” as an invitation to return year after year. The campaign received extremely positive responses, attracting the attention of Leading Hotels of the World, which added the resort to its prestigious list of properties. We then evolved the brand with the tagline “WELCOME TO MORE” to highlight the variety of activities available at the resort. PIL was honored to win a National Silver ADDY Award for our comprehensive campaign methods, encompassing everything from print materials to targeted digital marketing solutions. We implemented sheer, crisp design elements of sea-foam to unify all brochures and other materials, incorporating textual elements of the Caribbean captured with a clear foil embossed logo.




We were entrusted with the rebranding of the iconic Coral Gables hotel, THEsis Hotel. Our approach focused on incorporating fun, lively imagery with flash photography and deep color tones to capture the hotel’s luxurious essence. Additionally, we integrated fonts and imagery inspired by Art Nouveau, ensuring a touch of class and timeless elegance.
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