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We love our phones the very thought if leaving the house without it nearly causes a frantic panic so much so that research shows 3 out of 10 people would go back home, no matter the distance, if they forgot their mobile device, according to the survey by the Center for the Digital Future at the University of Southern California-Annenberg and Bovitz, Inc. As of January, 90% of American adults own a cellphone, up from 65% in 2004, according to the Pew Research Center. Also, people are always checking for new texts or e-mails, on an average, people check phones 150 times a day,

SO yes, we really use our phone to name a few statuses above. We must make sure our content is amazing and here are a few best practices. Coincidentally, 54% of traffic worldwide as users spend more time engaging with content via mobile. Content is no longer desktop explosive anymore. Also 68% of traffic to websites visit in 2020 is drive by mobile devices and it will keep growing. Here are ways to give your clients and your brand better engagement through content.

Know how to target your audience

So mobile content is fast paced and need to engage quickly the more targeted you are on the website or blog the better. The long form of writing as well not only engages your viewer yet also I very wanted by Google for better SEO on any platform. The more personalized the better, and the more authentic is just as real as you can get in any form of writing.

A/B testing and user insights

The beauty of the digital is that our can try something out see what the is the engagement through various channels. You can learn about your audience by content feedback and viewer engagement. Good content can engage yet precise and content that is geared to the client can increase conversion rates.

Future of Mobile Content

The key is to focus on the importance of creating content that is first mobile friendly but also with the user insights and preferences in mind. As consumers spend more and more time on their phones, personalized, real, authentic content is king! Also, by applying data driven content helps with your marketing strategies based on user insights. 

On an average, about 46% of consumers come home to lay down and be on their phone for over an hour, use that time wisely. And as we said we REALLY love our phones so love your content too!

Thank you for reading my blog and Let’s get Creative! 

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