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And does it work? You decide.

The idea of Coca Cola being a great content editor is very strange being they supply the world with sugary drinks which is not very positive. I think they tried to turn it all around with their new content strategies. In a nutshell, they are trying to make a CONTENT EXCELLENCE approach of Liquid & Linked development. Liquid, meaning these are ideas that are so contagious they cannot be ignored therefore liquify through the brand and beyond. These are stories that they tell that will provoke conversation, earn positive remarks in popular culture in terms of creating a buzz that will be shared organically by viewers. Where as Linked means to join business objectives, brands, and consumer interests together to create stories which will then provoke conversations. 

The basic idea is to earn a disproportionate amount of share of popular culture. The hope is that creating brand stories will be Liquid & Linked to provoke conversations and then the company will react to these stories and create a brand culture. Hoping that the more consumers share these stories, the more viral the brand will be. 

How can we use these strategies especially in the travel industry today being post COVID? I think all travel brands can liquefy their content with creativity and excellence, the better the industry will develop and be more positive. Let start engaging conversations and implement DYNAMIC Storytelling which developed elements of a brand idea that get dispersed systematically across all channels of conversation for the purpose of creating unified brand experiences. There are so many ways a Travel Brand can start these actions:

  • Be a serial storyteller … make it amazing, engage the consumer on ALL levels
  • Multi-Faceted Storytelling … stories that can happen morning, noon, and night
  • Spreadable Storytelling … from Twitter to Instagram where consumers want to keep sharing
  • Immersion and Discovery Storytelling .. deep stories with meaning, that possibly enlighten others, give knowledge, and engage 
  • Engagement Through Storytelling … the consumer engages with the hotel, cruise line or tour. Can take photos and share with others therefore putting brand positively in content

Storytelling is at the heart of every piece of content. Not only do these ideas of Liquid & Linked work for the travel industry but also for my agency. Let’s make it happen not only to increase likes or viewers yet also to spread knowledge to help others. Even Coca Cola that does not have a positive outlook with sugary drinks can make the world more positive with their storytelling ideas. We can all be amazing content creators we just need to start!

Thank you and let’s get creative,

Patsy I. Linares


